Oakland, California, US of A, May 11, 2008.
Divine Mother (Nebadonia).
Received by Donna DIngillo.
Divine Mother: My children, this is your Mother Nebadonia,
who holds you tenderly in Her universe womb. Yes, you are tiny seeds
of light in My body growing ever strong and sturdy as you live each
day as best you can. You are on an adventure, My beloved children, and
will journey to many distant places as you learn about the vast cosmos
that is your home.
Let your adventure start here on this world, anew each day. Whom
will you meet? What new insights will you glean? What opportunities
to love your brothers and sisters will be presented to you? How will
you demonstrate compassion and understanding to them? You see, My children,
you have many small adventures each day to live, learn and love. What
will todays adventure be?
Adventure is found in the small moments in life as well as the
large. You do not need to travel from your home if you adopt the attitude
that every moment has something new to show you. Even living in the
moment is an adventure because you never know what awareness can be
revealed if you keep yourself open to find something to treasure in
what you experience.
Allow yourself to relax into the adventure of the mystery. I n
the moment you unlock its keys; you disclose to yourself what your heart
within wants to share with you. Live today as a human of Urantia, and
know that you are growing into a loving child of the universe!
Posted to you by The 11:11 Progress Group
11:11 Angels