Oakland, California, US of A, February 10,
Divine Father (Christ Michael).
Received by Donna DIngillo.
Divine Father: My children, your Father Michael greets
you. I call you into the sacred service of helping your brothers and
sisters into their divine inheritance. While you are not responsible
for their awakening, I encourage you to help them grow into a new self-awareness
with your loving compassion of their status. Love your brothers and
sisters exactly where they are, knowing that they, too, are on their
journey. Perhaps they are not as far along on it as you are; nevertheless,
they are seeking and they are on their own path.
One of the most challenging aspects about service is to meet the
individuals whom you wish to serve where he and she are. You do not
have to be concerned about the words you speak. Allow Me to speak for
you. Sit in your heart center and hold the intention and desire for
My words to resonate into their soul. The more you can focus on this,
the more you let go and allow Me to guide the person before you. In
this manner, you allow the pressure you may place upon yourself to be
of service to be released, freeing My words to echo in their hearts.
Following this example, service becomes easier and more inspired.
You learn more how to connect with Me and through your Mother. You learn
how to listen with your heart to another persons journey, validating
them. You provide a safe space for them to trust you as you focus on
their needs. You feel the energy moving as it connects you together;
you forge a real bond. Its effects in your body are pleasurable and
My children, if you only could feel a measurement of the good
you do when you allow yourselves to be available for service, you would
be serving all day long! Become more mindful of the opportunities before
you. Open your hearts with the desire to be of service to Me, to your
Mother, and to the universe, and allow us to surprise you with new brothers
and sisters to love!
Posted to you by The 11:11 Progress Group
11:11 Angels