Illawarra District, Australia, January 27,
Secondary Midwayer, Dr. Mendoza.
Received by George Barnard.
Dr. Mendoza: I greet you my dear friends. It is a pleasure,
as usual, to be with you. This is Secondary Midwayer MNO-8. For ease
of recognition by you people I also go by the name of Dr. Mendoza. I
have many millennia of healing my human cousins behind me, and as is
understood here, it is the environment that to a very large part shapes
the personality. The profession in which I am involved requires for
me to be precise. It requires for me to be observant. It requires for
me to apply specific routines.
I am often seen as, perhaps, a somewhat dour personality. The
good news is that this is hardly the case. Although I am involved in
serious tasks from moment to moment, necessarily flitting around the
world with, very often, little time to spare, I can be lighthearted
as well, and so in my address this evening, I shall try to let a little
more of the personality shine through.
Firstly and by the way, it is correct that the little girl (suffering
from CVS) is putting out a stomach acid which is a little different
from the norm. Stomach acid is a personal thing, and it varies between
all people. Therefore it would be profitable to design a diet that is
less acid like for the little one.
The next part of my address is for the lady of the house. She
has been prompted by me many times in the past few weeks, months one
could say. And it is because of her reaching out to me that I wish to
remind you, and perhaps others, of yet another method, of yet another
way, in which to contact spirit, if I may use that phrase.
One can contact spirit the way in which this receiver does in
stillness (Alpha). One can contact spirit with the wonderful ways of
the Akashic Construct, to become a receiver, a healer, or more likely
both. But let us take an alternative route. Let us look at the past
of how this receiver I am presently engaging has brought himself to
this point.
Years of his efforts have been with inspired writing in co-creation
with the 1,111. And this tried and tested way is a third method whereby
one can achieve success in becoming a messenger for whatever Celestial
Teacher wishes to make himself, or herself, heard. Move forward in this
way, my dear, whenever you are about to answer any enquirer, and whenever
you are about to set yourself a task of writing, sincerely requesting
from the Creator of All that all possible contact and intuition shall
be yours in the project.
This is a suitable beginning for documentation that may well start
off haphazardly, then slowly over time turn into the inspired writing
that you so long for.
Whenever possible I shall be at your side, for I long ago adopted
you as my student. Whenever I am engaged in healing work, the Chief
or Mathew, Sharmon or any of Mathews crew will stand by and aid
you, if only you will let the metabolism of your brain and mind drift,
and be at peace to catch the phrases.
George: I am having some difficulties here now. I think
there is an interruption somewhere along the line. OK, he was called
away. Time out.
Dr. Mendoza: Indeed! However, I am back with you now. Consider
for how many years this receiver depended entirely on his inspired writing
to improve the contact between himself and his longtime Midwayer Friends.
Do be patient with yourself. We can, by the way you glow, notice clearly
the progress that you are making. And we expect this to continue. This
is Dr. Mendoza, looking forward to speaking with you more often. I say
Adieu for now.
Both: Thank you Doc.
© 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging FireABC-22.
11:11 Angels