

Queensland, Australia, June 28, 2007.
Gabriel, The Bright and Morning Star.
Received by Anne.

Gabriel: “There is a greater wisdom in seeing beyond that which you consider to be the reality of life, to that which is the true perception of all things. Consider carefully what you perceive the reality of your life to be.

“Do you envisage your life to be a constant struggle? Is this the true perception of your life? What is the true reality of your life? I tell you there is no one that suffers any less or any more than you. Everyone’s struggles are the exact same. There is no greater struggle than the struggle you perceive yourself to be in, in any given moment, yet the exact same struggles are the same in all others.

“What is your perception of your life? Do you perceive it to be one of pain, hardship, work, tarry, loss, tragedy? No matter how you perceive your life to be, know that always there are those whose same pains, hardships, work, tarries, losses, tragedies are the exact same as yours. The true reality is that everyone’s lives are of the exact same. That a child who has a splinter suffers the exact same pain as someone who loses a limb, this is the reality. The pain is the perception behind the sufferance. It is the difference in perception that brings one through to seeing the truth of life.

“Can you acknowledge that all in your experience is an opportunity to change your perception, from that of hating your life and feeling discouraged, to that of loving life in all its experiences, and having the strength and courage to participate fully? Simply asking yourself what it is you perceive in each experience will bring you to the truth of each matter. If you feel discouraged, ask yourself why. Did something not have the outcome you intended it to have? Know that if you did your best in every issue, the outcome doesn’t matter. It is only the purpose and intent in being the best you can be that matters.

“Change your perception of your life to knowing it as a brighter, more fulfilled, loving life, in all that you do. Know that in each sufferance there are others whose sufferance’s are of the same, yet when you know their sufferance you can see past their failure to the completeness of a different outcome for them. Do this same thing for yourself. Know that each sufferance has a solution or a greater opportunity. Look beyond the immediate perception of an event to the greater outcomes and advantages for all, through a change in your attitude.

“Rise up, my children, that you know love in all things. Rise up that you know love in all others. Rise up that you hear the beat of the drum of life. Rise up that you can join others in beating this drum of life alongside them. Rise up that you can be in harmony of the truth in all matters. Rise up that you know the kingdom of our Lord is with you at all times. Rise up that you can align yourself and your intentions to the greater good of all in all that you do. Rise up to Love my children. Bring your spirit forth that you have love in all you do. That is all.”

© 11:11 Progress Group.
“Always at the Service of our Beloved Michael.”
– Gabriel of Salvington.

11:11 Angels