A Thought Adjuster Speaks - Lesson
# 93
November 3, 2004.
I am desirous of speaking a few words on partiality,
although you are ambivalent about the meaning of this subject. Therefore
I ask you to go with the flow, and to just trust the process. It is
always good to be partial about something, to develop a fondness for
something, to be in love with a certain subject, so you will do anything
to find out more about it. For instance, your beloved Master, Jesus,
developed a penchant for stargazing when still a little boy. He slept
in the roof-less upper room, and even developed a bit of a stiff neck
because of His staring up into the heavens, wondering what was behind
it all. It was the beginning of deep thinking and searching questions
He would often ask His rather perplexed parents, but they would never
rest until the young lad was satisfied with the answers, and so they
learned as much from Him as He did from them.
It is wonderful when people are passionate about something. Would that
more humans would become partial to peace, and completely detest war.
Thereby a bigger swell for good would sweep this blighted planet, and
the energy for peace and goodwill towards all would increase
exponentially. There needs to arise an even greater consensus of opinion
in the hearts of people everywhere that warring is not the way to go
towards progress and equality for all. Until this happens, the planet
herself will remain restless, as she is a living organism and needs
to shake off the negative energy perpetrated upon her innocent being-ness.
Natural disasters will become more severe because of the ongoing strife
upon her.
It is the dawning of a new spiritual age upon the planet, one which
is designed to bring her in line with her more peaceful sister planets,
yet as long there are still minds that entertain the false notion that
outer space is something to be feared, this will not happen until they
become more peaceful. It is their fear which has become a passion, so
they are becoming incapable of seeing the Light around them. The Light
of God is everywhere, but it shall remain hidden from those who spurn
His love and forgiveness. Everyone is responsible for his or her deeds
of action or inaction. Being partial to peace makes one want to work
towards peace, which starts in the individual heart. It is at first
a reckoning towards oneself, a wake-up call if you will, self-examination
and a self-searching through which one can become more peaceful, as
automatically one will exude peace into the surrounding area where one
It is desirous for the peoples on this planet as a whole to become more
passionate about peace, and to be single-minded towards progress of
the planet, rather than to offer up the cream of manhood and womanhood
to war-machinery and destruction of innocent lives and their material
shelters. Think on these things and search your hearts. Might you become
partial to truth, beauty and goodness, and search these things which
have eternal value? War, in and of itself, has no merit whatsoever,
having lost its value a long time ago. It is time for evolution to progress
more orderly on this planet, but this can only be done when more of
her inhabitants develop a penchant for deeper thinking for the good
of all, and develop a vision as to how they would like to leave this
planet a better place for their offspring, and work collectively towards
this ideal.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
In losing your self, you will gain MeTA.