A Thought Adjuster Speaks - Lesson
# 89
October 31, 2004.
We have spoken before on the importance of change, because
nothing is ever static. Everything has been in a flux since time immemorial.
It is the creation of everything visible and invisible by the method
of evolution in time and space. It is how you yourself have been brought
into existence through the co-creative act of your parents, even if
they did not know what far-reaching consequences this act would bring.
It is always through an existing in the eternal moment where
everything is created, and where everything always changes. As a rule,
humans are not aware of how their bodies change, and they are even less
aware how spirit influences everything, because spirit is of God, and
God is everywhere, and experiences everything by and through His Spirit.
It is very important for mortals to put some thought into this subject
of Spirit, so they can become more willing co-operators with this Spirit,
rather then living in almost total oblivion, or worse yet, in outright
denial of the existence of Spirit. It is so very important to realize,
that you are more than flesh and bones. Think about that marvelous endowment;
the mind. Where would you be without a well-functioning mind? After
life itself, mind is the greatest gift you have, and yet it is so often
thoughtlessly squandered by uncontrolled, negative and vile thinking
habits, which do your delicate chemical system more harm than good.
It is so very important to wake up to this essential function of the
mind; to learn, and think clearly and rationally. Of course you know
what I am alluding to, and yes, self-discipline.
Through discipline you can bring order into your mind, and if you find
that a difficult thing to do, you can always come to Me for help. That
is what I am here for. I came to indwell you, so we could develop a
co-creatorship, a partnership; the highest estate a mortal can at present
attain in this material existence -- a Guidance -- so precious, because
once you discover that I Am with you every inch if the way, you will
naturally find it very helpful that you have such a High Guide living
within you, and ever at your disposal. And so we can effect changes
more readily and speedily when you become aware of My existence in you,
and changes will be more effective. It is this first realization of
My existence in you, which brings the greatest change, because from
here on in you develop a thirst and a hunger for My companionship, so
you place yourself willingly under My guidance.
This then is the real purpose in life. You start out with a vague belief
in angels and progress to the point to ask, where do they come
from, and who created them? This becomes a springboard to further
questions and a more conscious development of your belief, which changes
into faith. And if persisted with, it will grow into a knowing, because
of some life changing experiences I will lead you through, because that
is My business; to bring you to a greater God awareness. And so you
grow and change, one tiny step at the time, never bereft of Celestial
help. It all depends on your willingness to learn, to believe, to grow
your faith, and then to finally co-operate with My Small Voice Within
your heart. Think about this and how you might lend Me yet greater co-operation,
for your change is always ongoing.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
In losing your self, you will gain MeTA.