A Thought Adjuster Speaks - Lesson
# 81
October 23, 2004.
Allow Me to say a few words on memory. Memory is inherent in all living
things. The minutest cells have their own memory of replication. This
is innate in creation and has been placed there by the agencies that
do the bidding of the universal Creator and Architect. Most people are
not even aware of having a memory, until they need to recall something,
or their memory brings pleasant thoughts, or unpleasant thoughts they
would rather forget. Some memories can stay with you all the time. Some
can arise in the morning and a certain memory travels with them in the
back of their mind, until they go back to rest. And so an obsession
can start, because that memory has started to take possession of them.
However, we are not talking about possession or obsession here.
We are discussing how one can train the mind, and this most important
function of memory. It is in the storehouse of the mind where treasures
are kept, where facts and fancies are stored, and the things one would
rather forget. It is by and large the computer of the brain, from which
one constantly downloads, and which seems to be a bottomless pit where
things disappear into, never to be recalled, or so it seems. Dont
be fooled into thinking that this is so, because memories do have a
habit of cropping up at the seemingly most inconvenient moments. The
memories, which still have unhappy and unpleasant, or other vague feelings
attached to them, are in need of remedial work. It is the most important
work one can engage in, as these memories could stand a courageous self-examination,
as there usually is something that has not been forgiven, and or reconciled.
It needs to be explained here, that there is also a collective memory,
a stream of energy, which exists in the ethers around you, in energy
lines which have not yet been discovered by humanity, but have given
rise to the reincarnation myth. A sensitive person can have access to
a shard of memory of long time past, feel an instant recognition
of sorts, and so relive these moments of long ago, which are still present
in this thought stream. The mind is like a Pandoras
box, and at times seems to have a mind of its own by opening
this box of memories. Sometimes a trigger is all it takes to, at times,
have a memory which has been submerged in the unconscious. It can be
ever so real like a deja vu, and a have been there and done that.
Also, and this is far more important, all thinking beings have been
gifted with a heavenly Indweller, a part of God. This Indweller can
have had previous indwellings in other humans on other planets, but
these humans, for some mysterious reason, would not choose for eternal
life, so the memories of these humans become the possession of that
Indweller. Those memories will, in time and eternity, become yours,
if you should choose to survive and practice your faith and trust in
the eternal Giver of Life.
So far, little has been said on training the mind, but needless to say,
all these, and more matters, needed to be clarified first, so you can
begin to understand how precious your memory bank is. Also, how tragic
it is that humans can soil their minds through addictions to negative
thoughts, and the intake of harsh chemicals, which upset the delicate
equilibrium of this so very sensitive instrument. Much more can and
will be said about the preservation and training of this priceless possession
with which you have been gifted, and is yours to use as you see fit.
I desire that you spend some thought on how you can improve the way
you think, and why you think the way you do. And please, do not take
your memory for granted.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
In losing your self, you will gain MeTA.