A Lesson on Expectation.


A Thought Adjuster Speaks - Lesson # 34
February 3, 2004.

Open your heart and mind to expect the unexpected. Be as a newborn baby that does not expect anything and yet trusts that everything will be there for its needs. This is the utmost trust the mortal can show the Creator. To become as a little child, that washes itself clean in order to be presentable to its grandparents, who would accept the child anyway, as they love it unconditionally.

Why am I beginning today’s lesson like this, you wonder? Well this is a good introduction to expectation, because I desire for you to understand completely just as far as is possible at your level of understanding, how God sees His children. There is an innate need for every little one to be understood, and to feel safe and secure in its own environment. Every child should be able to expect this safety and security. However, life on this planet is far from ideal, and in need of correction. What if a child has been denied this safety and security? At these earliest tender moments in life, when it ought to feel wanted and welcomed, already its concept of trust is being warped and unhappiness ensues. Every little one has a right to feel wanted and safe, otherwise its ‘core of being’ will begin to grow out of balance and the child will start to fight for its needs and wants.

Expectation and the glad anticipation that something wonderful is going to happen is an eternal hope that can spring up in the human heart and is one of the hidden gifts. Through negative circumstances it can get pushed into the back in a drawer of the ‘filing cabinet’ of the mind, so to speak. Difficult to retrieve, blockages can begin to form deep within the human psyche, and people forget what pure hope feels like, what pure expectation is like, and how to look forward with glad anticipation to the days ahead. Life has become mundane and humdrum because they expect life to be humdrum. They will often spice up their lives looking for outward entertainment to keep their minds busy with, and likely forget their own inner world and richness of thought. Even tiny ones are already placed in front of the television, and given other forms of amusement, so certain areas in their minds close off to inner exploration and inventiveness, because they are being entertained rather than learning to entertain themselves.

I point this out in the hope that you realize how very vital brain development is, and how important it is to make those early connections in the mind. Synapses wither and die when not used through active thinking and so the childlike hope, trust and expectation are not given much of a chance to develop correctly. Therefore, it has become even more important for them to turn within into the Silence, and learn to listen without expectation, to just come with an open heart and mind, and to strengthen their own connection they have with their God.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
In losing your self, you will gain Me—TA.
