A Thought Adjuster Speaks - Lesson
# 135
February 4, 2005.
The Beloved One: "Perhaps it is timely
for us to discuss transformation. It has been mentioned before that
everything is always in a state of flux, of change. Energy is always
energy but it takes different forms, and this allows for transformation
to take place. You may think that you are the same person you were yesterday,
but that is not true, even your body goes through myriad changes from
moment to moment as the chemical interactions of the physical body only
stop at the moment of material dissolution, and the spirit frees itself
from its mortal habitat like a butterfly frees itself from the chrysalis.
They are the moments of change, which are so very seldom noticed in
the everyday life until something goes awry in the material body, and
one begins to feel out of balance. Harmony and balance in all systems
is the ultimate quest.
"Many negative changes could be noticed much sooner if one would
become more observant about these subtle changes by being more in present-centered
awareness. Most humans are becoming more overworked when life becomes
more hectic, and as the wants increase, rather than the needs. There
is an extremely fine line here where people become so busy that there
is very little time left for the observation of changes, be they in
nature or in the physical body. Only a deep sense of weariness will
slowly, and quite unnoticed, start to take over. It starts in the psyche,
because the mind is not allotted the necessary rest periods through
which everything gets refreshed, and energy can again be taken in. The
senses are constantly bombarded with input, be it outside noises or
from an over-active and overworked mind.
"The surest way to disaster is to never take care of the inner
rest periods in which the whole nervous system comes to rest, for such
behavior has its repercussions in the physical body. The spirit within
has a great need to be recognized, as the spirit likes to lead the body,
and the body is not meant to be driving the spirit. Transformations
always happen from the inside out. These transformations are imperceptible
at first. They are only noticed by the outward behavior of the person,
in speech and in actions. All life is meant to progress, for this is
the true creation in time - an evolving to a higher level of being.
This truth is not always recognized, and in fact there are still adherents
who believe in creation alone, whilst others believe in evolution alone.
The recognition needs to dawn in minds everywhere that these go together,
like hand in glove. Evolution is creation in time and space. In the
same manner spirituality and science serve the same purpose. They are
the discovery of the inner and the outer world.
"These matters are all subject to discovery, and an ongoing development
of existing potentials laid down in creation. They will be discovered
as and when the material brain evolves more to comprehend the incredible
possibilities awaiting discovery. And so the human mind undergoes constant
transformation as it begins to comprehend more of the mysteries of creative
evolution. At some point of discovery, one will stand in awe of the
grandiose designs inherent in all of nature, and true homage will be
paid to the ultimate Creator behind it all. And perchance the human
mind discovers, and in truth will recognize, this mysterious force in
the Stillness of his/her being, which is behind the inner transformation,
and so the spirit within will become totally free to lead the material
body, rather than to be driven by its impulses."
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
In losing your self, you will gain MeTA.