A Lesson on Motivation. (2)


A Thought Adjuster Speaks - Lesson # 12
January 12, 2004.

Today’s lesson will begin by us re-examinating motivation and the meaning of the word. Each person has their own interpretation, because of the reason for it and the intent behind it. The act is the outward manifestation as to what motivates people inwardly. Most acts are done by rote, as they have become expressed by habit. This is not where we are going with this subject. We want to examine the deepest motivation as to what makes people ‘tick’. It is a delving deep within the human psyche. Some people are so purely motivated, because their intent and thoughts are way above those of the mainstream of humanity, not that there is anything wrong with being a ‘main-stream’ average thinker, for they are the backbone of society.

They are the willing workers who see to it that the job gets done, but one can always ‘rise above’ main-stream level of thinking through self-education. Then there are the un-motivated thinkers, who somehow are too lazy to think deeply, or not capable, and who allow everything to ‘happen’ to them, because it has not occurred to them that they, too, have the choice to think differently.

You see, it is all in how motivated you are to either think deeply, and get into an act if you are inspired enough, or to let others motivate you to spur you on, and then spring into action. Motivation also depends on the level of awareness, of conscious awareness, of present-centered awareness in living. Does one live consciously with clarity of mind, or does one live by rote with a lesser clear thinking ability, or by being befuddled by drug dependency, and or too many chemicals and pesticides, a blight which is slowly making its way all over the planet. Motivation depends on inspirational insight, and then on goal-setting leading to self-discipline in carrying on despite all obstacles. Sometimes motivation slacks off, because of circumstances beyond the mortal’s control, or a kind of laziness creeps in occasioned by temptation.

Inspiration may come to motivate the person to a ‘higher’ level of thinking, and a sagging faith gets renewed with a thrust into inspirational motivation, and a renewed hope that all is well. And so the mortal grows in his or her striving to attain the goal. Inspirational motivation is the highest motivation when it originates within the human mind itself. The mind has attained a high level of independence by striving to listen to the Inner Guide resident in that mind. It is motivated to think clearly and in this manner, brings forth more fruits of the spirit, when it begins to act more on that Inner Guidance, which the mortal receives in the daily periods of Silence as it has learned to turn within, even in its busiest moments. This is the highest and purest motivation.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
In losing your self, you will gain Me—TA.
