Practice Brings Perfection.


A Thought Adjuster Speaks - # 261

11th April, 2004

Dear one, pray for the gift of increased sincerity on your road to perfection. They are the truly pure and sincere of heart that shall see God.

Be comforted by the knowledge that the Infinite God knows all, and that He sees all your hidden struggles. I do see a growing sincerity and purity in you, while at the same time you are becoming more painfully aware of your shortcomings and your failures, usually due to thoughtlessness and impatience.

The great need is for you to discipline your thoughts, to be watchful of negativity, and to ban this at once. I know that this is a most difficult lesson to learn, as you are not in the most favorable environment to make this easy for you.

But don’t you see, My beloved, that this is how you are tested, to spur you on to greater vigilance and self-discipline? Oh, I know only too well how discouraged and disappointed you can be with yourself, because of your reactions to others, but this is how you learn, tiny step by tiny step.

Do you ever see a toddler get discouraged in its attempts to walk? Of course not! It takes great pride and satisfaction with every step gained, and it gets a great deal of encouragement from its significant others, who cheer it on. But this is true for you, also, that you are cheered on by Me, and all the unseen beings that are observing your efforts on your path.

We are pleased with every bit of progress you humans make in the area of overcoming your lower animal tendencies, especially all forms of addictive self-gratification, when you learn to forget the self in loving service towards others.

I know that you have much to learn, but there is always time to get it right, for practice brings perfection. There is no need to get stressed out over this. Ease up on yourself, and learn to live joyfully in the moment.

The more often you come to Me in the Stillness, the easier it gets.

So stay close to Me.

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels