A Thought Adjuster Speaks - # 346
5th July, 2004
Dear one, confronting your own imperfections can be very disturbing, and yet very healing, because it is the push
and reason for digging deeper into yourself, and finding My Will to guide you into a better and more perfect way.
It is during the dips in the human spirit when the greatest growth comes about. It represents a letting
go of selfishness, and a tapping into the vat of humility.
At times, humans need to be confronted by their own smallness, so they can take heart that better things are on
the way. Having humility is to know your humanness. It is the dawning realization of the Majesty of God, for a humbling
experience is in actuality a growth spurt; the scaffolding of character building. Sooner or later, all humans will
realize their place in the pecking order of Life.
Those who think themselves to be high and above everyone else, shall be brought low. And those who deem themselves
to be unimportant and low, shall be elevated as sons and daughters of God.
In lifes journey, everyone goes through periods of painful adjustments regarding these learning lessons. Those
who drink deeply of such lessons, and learn from them, are being guided into the higher way of life. Others who
are not so deeply affected and scarred in doing battle with themselves in overcoming their animal nature
eventually will learn. The realization will dawn on them that they, too, need to humble themselves before God.
It is forever true that those who already deem themselves to be perfect will in later times need to do a lot of
work. Others, who do a lot of correcting of their selves in this life, in subduing their animal impulses, and in
trying to listen to the Will of God within them, are way ahead of the others in becoming perfect.
It is not always easy, but success is always ensured when inner prompts and guidance are followed. Truly, why spurn
the Perfect Guide within?
Take time to listen, for it is the surest way to advance.
© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.
11:11 Angels