Scribbles 96 from Lytske.
June 10, 1999.
Prayer: With gratitude in my heart,
I give thanks for my life. Praise be to God for infinite possibilities.
Come into the Silence, the Peace beyond understanding -- the Holy moment
-- the sanctity of all life.
Pause, and consider this only moment -- the now
moment of communing with Me. Notice the very subtle changes happening
in you now -- the activity and integration in your brain-cells -- your
coming on line, so to speak.
Feel the energy flowing through you, as the river of life makes all
this possible. The feelings you feel, the thoughts you think -- ideas,
solutions to problems dropping into your head, seemingly
from nowhere.
You and every other person are always connected to the realm of infinite
possibility. Very few are aware that here dwells the greatest possibility
for change. The wake-up call is sounding for everyone to realize this
connection to the Unified Force Field -- the connection to the All That
Move into the greater Reality of the next dimension. Examine every belief
system that holds you back. Banish your limitations as well as you can.
Was it fear of change? Are they old worn-out belief systems? Is it lack
of forgiveness, old fears, resentment and anger? Where are you limited
in your body? What old thought-forms are held there?
Enjoy the road of self-discovery to freedom. Take a deep breath and
feel the fresh oxygen going to all your cells, breathe out the carbon
dioxide, for the healthier your tissues will be.
Enjoy the wonder of living, feel the life-giving elixir fill every cell
of your being and give thanks. Cultivate a grateful heart, let your
soul sing and your mind shall serve you well.
It is indeed wonderful to be alive and experience all the colors of
the rainbow. Let the child in you come out to play, develop a lighthearted
attitude. Life is grand.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging