Scribbles 77 from Lytske.
May 3, 1999.
Today we would bring patience to your attention
-- patience with the self, with perceived shortcomings, self-judgment,
and self-condemnation.
You see, child, that these are all skeletons from your past, which keep
you earth-bound. These you have not yet eliminated from your life.
See them for what they are, so question your self: Are they useful
to me at this time in my life? Of course not! These habits hold
you back from your path, which you are to joyfully walk.
The same applies to your low self-esteem.
The Father sees you muddling about, and knows that if only you open
your inner eyes to see, you would understand how it is that you hold
yourself back.
We are here to help you, to let you know that it is ok to let go, and
to let God. Take a first freeing step and breathe deeply.
A big weight was lifted from your shoulders when your Thought Adjuster
gave you the insight and walked you through the early years of
your life, to help you understand when the anxiety and shock of
separation occurred. How you have carried this with you from that deciding
moment on! So now you are beginning to see and realize that you can
let it go in trust, if only you will allow it.
Sit quietly, and let this truth sink in. Every time a new insight comes,
another piece of your condensed energy matrix stands straighter and
taller, and imbalance moves to balance.
Dare to leave your comfort zone, and go out into the sunshine and grow.
You are truly without limited. You need only to move past your limitations.
The future is always waiting for you to move forward, and today is the
day to enjoy life to the fullest.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging