Scribbles 34 from Lytske.
January 21, 1999.
All that exists is upheld by Everlasting
Remember to focus when you write, to eliminate little spelling mistakes.
Your mind is ahead of your hands. Synchronization is another keyword,
together with focus and intent. Yes, we can also give practical advice.
It is not always esoteric or metaphysical -- whichever word you here
The limitations of human life and abilities are quite apparent to us,
including early childhood restrictions placed there by parents, who
came from their own limitations, and therefore, no blame
is needed. Your religious culture was quite restrictive too. Again,
that was the wisdom and light of those times. Of course, even the social
climate and the mores . . . Accept all these things, for they have all
contributed to your growth.
It has been a wonderful journey with all your joys, satisfaction, heartaches
and deep emotional sorrows, some of which you have brought about by
your own decisions. Meanwhile, it has still been a journey of much growth.
We commend your perseverance and self-discipline, which you practice
daily. It helps in furthering your emotional intelligence and intuition.
Indeed, your emotional release work on yourself has contributed, and
is contributing, a great deal. Continue with this, as this will increase
clarity and, so the focus and intent will also improve.
Be ever mindful of your Mystery Monitor, go within and seek Its guidance.
Find this High Vibration within yourself, and thereby effect greater
cooperation with the Fathers will. It is so simple, and yet so
difficult for you to do. Therefore, become more aware of developments
in your inner life. Allow Spirit the freedom and the space. It is ever
obedient to human will, so present-centered awareness is a requirement
to be here and be in the now.
Spirit desires communication, but so often finds nobody at home,
as the mind is pre-occupied with other things. Train yourself to keep
your daily appointments with Spirit, without allowing intrusions, and
so wonders will unfold, as they already have in your life.
Be ready for the unexpected.
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging