Scribbles 190 from Lytske.


Scribbles 190 from Lytske.

February 18, 2000.

Be still and know that I Am God.

Be strong in the Spirit, for it is I, who is guiding you.

Nothing is gained by impatience.

You are in service now, be strengthened in your trust in Me.

Faith overcomes all things.

I Am your Shield, your Rock upon which your faith and trust is built.

Come unto Me when you feel heavily laden, and I will give you of heaven's rest.

Turn within and seek Me in the Silence, for I Am waiting there.

I Am your inner Pilot, your inner Guide.

Let you and Me walk forever child, for you are Mine forever.

I love you, love Me now.

Note: Years of meditation brought this 11:11 receiver the transmissions we so often post. Many of the early messages were from unknown Teachers. Here there is no doubt. This is Lytske's Thought Adjuster, Creator Fragment or Spirit Self. As the months go by, the Thought Adjuster becomes the more regular Teacher … to us all, really.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.