Scribbles 182 from Lytske.


Scribbles 182 from Lytske.
February 13, 2000.

Prayer: Thank you dear Michael, for your in-depth message about how to become an instrument for your use in this world. Could you please help me to become a more effective instrument in your service -- the best I can be?

Precious child please read inspiration, not aspiration, as inspiration is the key word.

Think back over the path you have trod these past years. What do you see? All that you have been inspired (led) to learn? The barriers you have come up against, were they not within yourself?

The discovery that yes, you are worthy, and that you are allowed to validate and appreciate yourself?

These were foreign words in your up-bringing, and yet they begin to resonate within you. This is the groundwork being laid.

An instrument needs to be shaped before it can be played. Likewise, your inner sanctuary in the mindal/emotional realm needs clearing and bolstering.

You will always be a work in progress, but it is not until you truly realize that all possibilities are within that you can truly come into a greater clarity and awareness of your being a wealthy soul-being. You will have confidence in your inspirations, and become willing to move out of your comfort zone.

Michael is always waiting for the willingness of his mortal children to go out and play in their arena of choice. Each and every one can be what they desire to be, but fear of failure is holding them back.

See to it that you do not fail yourself. You have precious opportunities to be of loving service. Blessings abound.

Activate, assimilate, validate and authenticate your precious self, for you are worthy.

Listen to your inner Coach.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.