Scribbles 176 from Lytske.


Scribbles 176 from Lytske.
February 4, 2000.

Prayer: Thank you Michael, for reminding me that step by step my life is to be lived in greater faith. I know that you take care of me wherever I am. It is gives me a feeling of great peace and trust that all is well. I truly desire to do God's will, which is also your will.

Dear child, know for certain that you are growing in the way the Father wills it.

Focus more often on the silent Voice within.

You already know that you have embarked on the most beautiful inward journey to seek the objective of your desires.

Stay close in your meditations. Your inner Guide will safely guide you over the rocky shoals to come. Your equilibrium will be tested in the coming days.

Remain close to the Creator, for so shall you grow your own center of peace.

Trust at each step you take that all is well. Be courageous and loyal, for so shall you grow into a stalwart and dependable personality.

Remember always that you are much loved by your Heavenly Parents.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.