Creatures of Service, Taking Action.


Idaho US of A; August 15, 2003

Machiventa Talks

Received by Sandy Montee.

Machiventa: "Good evening. This is Machiventa Melchizedek here to visit you.

"I have watched some of your surrounding forests go up in flames. It is an understandably frightening event for both mortals and animals. Everyone must be thoughtful at this time of not starting a fire because of carelessness.

"I would like to put in a few words this evening about "taking action". Much has been learned from your Teachers and Guides, but as it happens with many college students, after spending years of learning a skill or profession, their education is not always put to good use.

"So many have acquired the appropriate knowledge, and yet they have not held down a job or even applied for one. A large number of you who have long studied in our 'spiritual classrooms' are meant to share your knowledge with whomever will listen to you, and by showing yourself to be a good example by
living your lives as happy, compassionate, and trustworthy children of your Eternal Father.

"I, too, would not get very far by sitting back and taking in the experiences, while never in turn giving back to others what I have learned. And here I have a whole troupe of Midwayers and Angels standing by, wanting to go into action and do something worthwhile in conjunction with our mortal students.

"The Midwayers and Angels are at the very heart of making an effort with whatever challenges I place before them. They are creatures of service to you, and with you - their human cousins. Yet I don't encourage them to attempt extremely difficult or hopeless tasks.

"Whatever you have gleaned in the way of knowledge or learned about service, share this and yourself freely with your fellows. Mostly this adds up to your being able to talk with others about your area of expertise.

"Get excited about making your contribution of sharing the wisdom you have acquired with those who don't know how or where to begin. Others will view the presentation of your gifts of knowledge and experience as "a safe encounter" during which they can freely talk about the troubled nature of
their lives.

"May you also suggest to others to be aware of the chances to be of assistance to their fellows. May you make that vital difference in someone else's life. May you bring joy into your relationships. And may you
thereby become that creature of service. Taking action.

"This is Machiventa. I send you my love."

© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels