Pray for Guidance.


Idaho, US of A, July 23, 2002.

Machiventa Talks.

Received by Sandy Montee.

Machiventa: "Hello.  This is Machiventa.

"There are many times when we look at our brothers and sisters, and we are very intolerant at their seemingly doing wrong.  It is to our benefit to pray for guidance for ourselves, and ask God to lead us in the right way to do His will.  We may believe that we are doing our best, and yet in many instances we have "fed into our ego-driven justification" for our own actions.

"This can blind us, and it can have us believe that what is in our thoughts and actions is the right way, and the only way.  However, this is not always so, and I ask today that each of you think in terms of the Spirit of Truth helping us in the betterment of our own lives.

"The very same prayer for guidance can be asked for for our brothers and sisters.  This prayer is especially important when the need arises for us to be tolerant of our brother or sister, whom we consider to have lost his or her way.

"Assist the Spirit of Truth to work in the lives of others, and let us remain tolerant and non-judgmental.  As we pray for guidance, and as we ask for the same for our comrades, the burden of judgment and intolerance will be lifted from our shoulders.

"I bid you my good-byes, and I send my love.  I am Machiventa."


© 11:11 Progress Group.
Toujours au Service de Michael.

11:11 Angels